igloohome is available in over 100 countries with dedicated teams for each geographic region. Watch what people from around the world are saying about our products.
In video 1778 I FINALLY get to review the IglooHome Smart Lock and, as you will see, am quite impressed with the design, security, and thought that went into it. If you are looking for well designed electronic lock, take a serious look at this one. I got this one on Amazon for about $110.
The Flipsters have 2 weeks and $20,000 to bring this house out of the 1980’s and into the 2020 rental market. Will they get it done? Watch to find out!
The igloohome Smart Deadbolt 2S works without an Internet connection to unlock your door from anywhere you are, and it even syncs with your Airbnb account.
Today I discuss the igloohome smart padlock. If you've got things to protect, why not be smart about it?
Need to leave a key for guests, a realtor or someone who requires access to your home, boat, cabin or RV? Lockboxes tend to be too small and poorly designed, and in the 21st Century you want something smart and customizable too, right? Enter the terrific igloohome Smart Keybox 3. It's big, yes, it's bulky, but it's smart and has plenty of space for access keys, car key fobs and more. One time custom PIN codes, recurring access, permanent randomly generated PIN codes, and it's all logged and accessible via the convenient igloohome app.
LAS VEGAS – igloohome’s smart locks shown here at CES Unveiled 2020 have a special feature: they don’t use Wi-Fi and yet they’re remotely programmable. This is accomplished by first pairing your phone with the lock, a process that also creates a rotating token like you might use with your bank. When you want to create a new code, everything is already set and the code is already active because of the pre-negotiated token, all happening behind the scenes. The deadbolt is US$299, the keybox is $189, and the padlock is $109. The other two dual locks will be available later this year.
Looking for a well-designed smart lock that works on a Bluetooth wireless connection to secure your home? Take a look at igloohome's new Smart Deadbolt 2S smart lock. This new smart lock is designed for home and property owners, property developers and infrastructure companies, as well as short term vacation rentals, co-living and co-sharing spaces. You can fit this smart lock to standard doors that are 35 mm to 60 mm thick, and have a clearance of 110 mm. There's an LED touchscreen to lock and unlock the door.
In less than 10 seconds, GearBrain unboxes the new smart lockbox by igloohome called, igloohome smart keybox 2. This new smart lockbox can be controlled using your smartphone and the igloohome app. It can store keys and keycards for your home, car, Airbnb property or even your second home. This smart lockbox also works with igloohome's line of smart locks and Airbnb. igloohome smart keybox 2 is a sturdy and easy to setup and install any where inside or outside your home.
igloohome has a range of products designed to make share access to your home. It’s the only brand with both locks and key access solutions Integrated and approved by Airbnb. By linking your Airbnb app to an igloohome product you will never need to provide your guests access to keys again, the app does it for you.
Confira nesse vídeo as diversas funcionalidades da fechadura Deadbolt 2s, uma das fechaduras com mais opções de gerenciamento e funcionalidades no mercado ! Abra pelo celular, integre com seu app do Airbnb, ou gerencie os acessos pelo celular ou pelo PC.
Com a fechadura Digital igloohome, você terá total controle sobre os usuários e visitantes de sua residência ou escritório. Cadastrando até 1.000 usuários, a abertura pode ser realizada por senha, chave bluetooth, smartphone ou chave de emergência. Possui controle de volume dos botões do teclado, e alimentação por 4 pilhas AA
Te mostramos cómo funcionan las cerraduras inteligentes de igloohome. Precios, batería, seguridad...
Hear from igloohome, Singtel’s partner, how iglooworks NB-IoT smart access solutions provide access management of facilities, infrastructure sites and assets without the need to manage any physical keys.
Big-name brands dominate the smart locks market. Find out how new entrant 'igloohome' is unlocking a niche for itself in the marketplace.
Which feature of the house do you love most? Porky's little doors? The cheap but expensive looking cushions? Let us know!
Exclusively for Singtel Fibre Broadband customers! Enjoy keyless access and real-time monitoring for convenience and peace of mind at $21/mth.
Đánh giá Ổ KHÓA THÔNG MINH igloohome: kết nối smartphone. Thời điểm này việc sử dụng các ổ khóa thông minh đang ngày càng phổ biến và một trong những thương hiệu lớn nhất chính là igloohome. Đây là một thương hiệu starup nổi tiếng trong việc sản xuất ổ khóa thông minh và quản lý Airbnb được ưu chuộng ở các thị trường châu Âu và Mỹ. Với việc sử dụng khóa này các bạn có thể kết nối với smartphone để kiểm tra số lần đăng nhập lẫn nhiều thể loại cấp quyền truy cập khóa. Ngoài ra còn rất nhiều sản phẩm thú vị khác ngoài Padlock đến từ thương hiệu igloohome.
Announced as the preferred partner of Airbnb in terms of door locks. Check out what's with igloohome as highlighted at the CebuCon 2019 last June 2019.
Teknologi tinggi dan kekinian tidak hanya terdapat pada smartphone dan laptop. Kehidupan keseharian pun perlu dipercanggih dengan teknologi terkini. Kali ini, kami akan menguji solusi canggih dari igloohome: Smart Padlock dan Mortise.
Gembok bisa gitu? Yeps, fitur yang ada di Kunci Gembok atau Smart Padlock dari igloohome (Kunci Rumah Sistema) Indonesia ini memiliki segudang fitur yang ga akan kalian temukan di Kunci Gembok lainnya. Penasaran? Kuy dibahas!
Sebelum kita punya pintu kemana aja...
In diesem Video möchte ich euch das smarte Vorhängeschloss und den smarten Schlüsselsafe von igloohome vorstellen. Beide können per App oder mit einem Pin-Code geöffnet werden. Das Tolle: Für beide Produkte benötigt man keine Internetverbindung!
Häng med när vi välkomnar igloohome till sortimentet och kikar på deras smarta hänglås Smart Padlock samt deras smarta nyckelskåp Smart Keybox 3.
Der Hersteller igloohome sorgt mit seinem Produktportfolio für mehr Sicherheit - nicht nur in den eigenen vier Wänden, sondern an den unterschiedlichsten Orten. Mit der Smart Keybox verstaut ihr Wertgegenstände, wie Schlüssel oder Zugangskarten, sicher, einfach und auf eine besonders smarte Art und Weise. Ob Ferienwohnung, AirBnB, Vereinsheim oder Lagerraum - die Einsatzmöglichkeiten sind vielfältig. Das Smart Padlock hilft euch dabei, euer Eigentum vor Diebstahl zu schützen. Ihr könnt mit dem smarten Vorhängeschloss z.B. ganz unkompliziert euer Fahrrad oder die Garage abschließen. Wie das alles genau funktioniert, erfahrt ihr im Video.
Smart Keybox France vous présente la Smart Mortise, une serrure connecté qui permet de partager à distance l'accès de vos propriétés. Plus d'infos sur www.igloohome.fr
Электронный умный замок igloohome Smart Deadbolt 2S. Подходит для дома, гостиниц, краткосрочной аренды.
Dans cette vidéo, Smart Keybox France vous explique comment jumeler votre dispositif.
Dans cette vidéo, Smart Keybox France vous présente l'application igloohome. L'application est gratuitement disponible.
Tutoriel pour paramétrer igloohome avec le channel manager Beds24, via integromat. Retouvez les liens et étapes dans la description ci-dessous
Smart Padlock Le Cadenas Intelligent. La solution polyvalente pour un contrôle d'accès pratique. Inspiré par le grain de la nature.
Découvrez notre premier Webinaire en partenariat avec Bookingsync! Vous trouverez dans cette vidéo la présentation de nos solutions igloohome ainsi que l'explication fonctionnelle de l'application mobile et l'intégration avec notre partenaire Bookingsync: Logiciel de gestion de location saisonnière.